Articles on: Minecraft

Set up automatic restarts for your Minecraft server

If you run an intensively modded server, it can be useful to schedule regular restarts for your server. This can improve stability by clearing out the RAM, along with offering a number of other benefits.

Head to our game panel at and select your server.

Select the Schedules button in the sidebar, then press the Create Schedule button.

Set the name of the schedule to something like "Daily restart" then select the Every day at 06:00 button. This will pre-fill the values below with the ones required to restart your server at 6AM each day, in the time zone set via the Settings tab. You can change the number in the Hour field to a different time if you wish, like 0 if you wish to restart every day at midnight.

You can now set a custom time zone for your server which will change the times displayed in the Console and when Schedules are run — just go to the Settings tab and click the dropdown at the bottom to select one.

Press Create Schedule at the bottom, then select the schedule you just created followed by the New Task button.

Click on the Action dropdown and select Send power action, followed by Restart the server under the Payload dropdown, then finally the Create Task button.

Your daily restart is now set up! Want to send a message to players 5 minutes before the restart?

Delete the task you just added, then create a new one with the Send command action and payload say Server will restart in 5 minutes! — this will send a message via console to all players currently on the server, with the text specified. Leave the Time offset set to 0, as this will be the first action run by the schedule.

Recreate the Send power action / Restart the server task you made before, but set the Time offset to however long after the message is sent you want to restart the server, like 300 for 5 minutes.

It should now look similar to this, and is ready to go:

You can use the Schedules system to create complex sets of tasks, such as creating regular backups (keeping in mind the limit of 5 per day) and running commands or power actions on your server. If you need any help getting it set up, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Updated on: 13/11/2024

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